Thursday, November 20, 2008

Another Ye' Post!!! DOPE OR NOPE!!!

Leave a comment about the outfit! Dope or Nope...
Since the album is about to drop why not do 2 Kanye post...

BTG- How could you be so Heartless?


  1. Nope...
    Most of the time I like the Kanye fits. But this one...

    YOuuuu LoOooOse...
    loll I kant fuck with the sperry's either.

  2. eh not my cup of tea, he can do better, its too bland

  3. He got to much money to be lookin liek this...come come kanye

  4. He is starting to look a little metro now...can't do it!

  5. I cant fuck with the sperry's with THIS outfit, they look ridiculous.

    This outfit would be tighter with some silver supras or some white/grey/ silver shoes and a different color shirt or a tie OR SOMETHING.

    So, my vote goes to.... NOPE

  6. To me, Kanye's style is constantly evolving. His style is like natural evolves as he faces differenct challenges and obstacles in his life. I would say I LOVE this 808s and Heartbreak look because it embodies the overall theme and message of his album. And damnit, thats why I love him so much. This man doesnt just promote an album he LIVES it. He is a TRUE artist because he believes in the beauty behind his work.
